Friday, August 3, 2007

Road Kill

Imagine this:

It's late one night... You're driving down some dark, deserted road. Its late... really late. You were headed to a party, but were given bad directions. You had gotten so completely and utterly lost: hence, the dark and deserted road. Needless to say, you never made it to the function. And you're starving. You skipped lunch that afternoon because you knew you'd be stuffing your face full of fantastic food that evening... but now you've missed out on that fancy food!!!

Your mind is racing with these thoughts... your stomach is growling and cramping in hunger.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, a tiny little rodent-like animal jumps out in front of you on the road. Do you...

A. Swerve to miss the animal, subsequently crashing your car into a tree. You suffer severe bodily harm, but at least the animal is okay.

B. Slam on the brakes! You don't stop in time, and your back tire ends up directly on top of the rodent, pinning him to the ground. Your car is covered in guts, but at least you tried.

C. Speed up and laugh to yourself while picturing in your mind the look of terror on its face... Hey, you're tired and grouchy; you need something to cheer you up.

D. Hit him straight on. Then, pull your car over, get out your lighter, and start a fire on the side of the road. Cook the little rodent... you're starving and don't care WHAT it is that you're eating.

[This is meant to be funny-- so have a little humor in your answers.]


Nikki Neurotic said...

I have bad luck with I'd probably run him over accidentally then cry about it the rest of the way to the party or wherever.

Hey, I managed to run over not one bird, but two...and a possum.

Smalltown RN said...

I would try to stop...but most probably I would end up running over if it were a crow...I would head straight for that crow..they are so of these days I will get them....yeah that's it....

Anonymous said...

i'll go with option d. i wanna start a fire and cook that thing! yum road kill.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

If I'm alone in the car: B. If Poor Hubby's in the car...probably C.

Anonymous said...

This happened to me before. I did end up hitting the animal, but I hit the ditch too. Talk about scared!! :(