Saturday, April 28, 2007

How much is that doggie in the window?

So, we're going to the store to get a pet.....

So I peruse all the options.... dog, cat, bird, mouse, snake.... too many stinkin choices!

And then I saw it..... I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

What pet is better than a pet peeve!

Oh, and I could go on and on about my dear pet peeve. Actually, I decided to buy multiple pet peeves. They're just so darn cute! .... Some big, some small. The biggest is a beast of a pet. I named it "Walmart shopping carts."

I absolutely HATE it when lazy people go do their shopping, take their cart full of junk to the car, unload it, and then leave the cart inthe middle of the parking lot! Or worse... half way in the cart-corral ! How lazy can these people be! Like it'd hurt them to take an extra 5 steps to the corral ! Jeepers! So, yes, that is my biggest peeve of a pet. Can I hear a "what-what" ?

If you had to go to a pet store, what kind of peeve would you buy?

Hmmm... too many to pick from!


Michele said...

Misspelled words are one of my biggest pet peeves! I can't stand seeing advertisements, store displays, etc. with words spelled wrong! Just makes me nuts.

Barb said...

I'd have to buy that big one in the back, irresponsible pet owners! Why do people not get their pets spayed or neutered? There are already so many unwanted animals in the world. (I sound like Bob Barker.)Why do they let them run outside unattended? It breaks my heart every time I see one laying on the side of the road.

Then I'd buy a cute little one like kinked up phone cords.

Nikki Neurotic said...

Abigail, I almost always put my shopping cart back. You're welcome. :)

I have about a million of them but I get annoyed when I go into a store and immediately someone comes up to me to see if I need help.

Malinda777 said...

I could buy one named Black Pot. I can't stand people that bitch and moan about everybody else and what they do or don't do and how they do it...and you know them... and THEY do all the same crap they're bitching about! The pots that call the kettles black :)

But...I can tell from reading yours and other answers, I'd get kicked out of the neighborhood for having too many pets :) Cute idea, good post. I found your blog by seeing the designs the "header" guy made :)

Becky said...

My pet peeve has got to be people, who are in college classes, writing like they are in 3rd Grade. I hate to see mispellings, wrong tenses, etc...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Smalltown RN said...

pet peeves to many to mention....and I'm perfect right? Not....but doesn't mean I can't have a pet peeve...people who are inconsiderate of others....people who tailgate....spitting in blowing their nose without a know what I mean see it happening alot in sports venues....people who chew food with their mouth open...people who talk with food in their mouth....

Is that enough? I think we have forgotten our manners and social etiquette....

great post....oh and for the spelling that bothers me as well...but because I am the worst speller in the world I can't gripe about that....I blame that on my dyslexia....but one would think if you are paying someone to post a sign for you that they would ensure the spelling is correct.


Angie said...

I always put my shopping carts away...Always! We'll even walk it all the way back to the store if there is no corral.

I hate it when people take their pets with them to the store then leave them in the car. My doggie loves car rides but I'd never leave her in the car...especially in the summer.

Becky L said...

Yesterday I took my 2 y/o to the park... and became very enfuriated with TEENAGERS who were running around the park, knocking over the little kids. Erica almost got knocked out at one point.

twilite said...

Hi! I know the music to the much is that doggie's in the window! Sorry, don't quite understand your post. Have a good day!