Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Over-Rated Vitamin C

I was always told- "Take your Vitamin C. It'll stop you from getting sick." As a teacher- I'm not taking ANY risks! Kindergarten kids have no sense of cleanliness. They go "digging for gold" (aka picking the nose), chewing on their clothes, some still suck their thumbs, they don't use soap when they wash their hands unless I am standing next to them watching, they sneeze all over the place. It's GROSS!

So, I've been doing the Vitamin C thing like crazy. I take my Vit. C pill, a multi-vitamin, and have been eating 1 grapefruits and 2-3 tangerines everyday, as well as drinking grapefruit juice. (I've been really into grapefruit lately. I even have G.F. scented soap, lotion, and body splash!) Plus I've been washing my hands a lot. Bath and Body Works has anti-bacterial hand lotion, and I carry it with me (grapefruit scented, of course!) I thought I was well protected.


Last Friday, 1/26, I got a sore throat. That's how my colds always start. Thanks a lot, Vit. C! I was coughing all day Sunday. The cold settled in my chest, no head sinus stuff. Tuesday, I started losing my voice, and it was completely lost Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, I started regaining my voice, but the dang cold moved into my head- stuffy nose, sinus pain, etc. Great! Saturday and Sunday it got worse, and my throat started hurting again. I broke down and went to the Dr. Monday. Nope- not a cold. Tonsilitis AND Bronchitis!

Vitamin C is over-rated, people. Grrr. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not going to stop taking it. No way do I want to some down w/ Scurvy. That'd ultimately suck. Now I'm all drugged up on real medicine that actually works (knock on wood).

So I had Monday and Tuesday off from work. Though, I spent Monday going to the Doctor and preparing things at home for school. I went in after the school day and got my room ready for today, so the sub would know what to do. That gave me today.

Oh, did I live it up! I slept in until 11:00 ish. It was heavenly! Then I blogged, caught up on homestar runner, cleaned my room. Awesomeness. And very soon, I will get out a book, lay on the sofa curled up in a blanket, and read for hours!

Now, seeing as how this is "Just another Quick Question," I have to now ask a quick question.

So, what do you do on sick day?
It's Wed. morning, 5:45
Just got "the call".... Two hour delay due to snowy, slippery roads. Awesome! A great way to come back after 2 days off!


gary rith said...

Sadly, Abigail, I had a couple of sick days last week. But I work at home, and when stuff has to be finished, it has to be finished. Then I spent a lot of time in bed with a book on Henry the 8th. 900 pages. In the evenings, the Scottish cure, which may not do anything, but blunts the pain.
Feel better soon!
(message and pics for you at potsblog,BTW)

Abigail S said...

~gr~ Thanks!

Guess what yall! I finally put up a pic for my profile! Awesome!

Michele said...

Abigail, I worked as a Teachers Aide in Kindergarten and let me tell you, I was never so sick in my life! I had strep throat, an ear infection and conjunctivitis all at once. Those kid germs can be deadly, take care of yourself!

Abigail S said...

~rapunzel~ That must have really sucked! Eek!

Update- I am feeling better. back to school tomorrow. That'll be roguh, I'm sure.

Have yall ever been so tired, you felt light-headed and dizzy? I feel taht way right now. Don't know why, though. I got A LOT of sleep last night, and it's not too late now. Ah well. Off to bed w/ me.

twilite said...

Hi Abigail! Just chipping in my 2 cents worth: your immunity is down. Have you considered vitamin B complex? Actually it's the balanced diet...but then some kids really bring on some really nasty bugs to school...Happy days again!

twilite said...

Hi Abigail! Just chipping in my 2 cents worth: your immunity is down. Have you considered vitamin B complex? Actually it's the balanced diet...but then some kids really bring on some really nasty bugs to school...Winter is always the nasty season for colds...Happy days again!

Abigail S said...

~Twilight~ Winter always IS the worst time for colds, flu, etc. I'm just greatful it was not the flu. That woulda stunk BIG time!

My first day back was great! It was nice having the 2 hr delay. The kids were really good. Yay!