Unusual Beauty
Many people will think I'm extremely odd...
I like nature. It's so beautiful, calming, relaxing. Even under my JAQQ Profile, I've listed a scene of nature as my favorite under my Visual DNA.

So, here's the question:
What is your unusual beauty?
What do you find beautiful that other people would think: What?
Ya know.. I like that, too!!! I also like dilapidated houses and barns. I just posted a Manic Monday with pictures from North Dakota that I took last week. THAT was beautiful. :)
I love ships and stones...my hubby...."granite guy" Makes wonderful things out of granite...he has really given me an appreciation for stone....so now when I am at the beach not only picking up unusual shells I look at the stones in a totally different light.....we have this stone outside our front door...hubby found it on one of his walks....the outside looks like you average rock...but if you look closer you see it is actually jade....it has a beautiful polish of green on the top of the stone...it is way cool....
hey great question.....as for the smores...I love them...just trying to keep them away from my waistline...
Becky- we are SOOO twins! I, too, find highway bridges beautiful. I think they are magnificent.
I love fire. Not the whole forest fire or building burning down. I like campfires. I love watching the flames. (No, I'm not a pyro!)
Big empty spaces..I really hate clutter and find such beauty in the lack of "stuff!"
I think fruit and vegetables in their natural state are gorgeous. Especially when you cut open a kiwi - it's so pretty! I find myself thinking sometimes it's the really simple things like the vibrant colour of an orange or the reds and greens of peppers.
I like bridges, though, a lot of them are suppose to be pretty nice to look at...such as the Sydney Harbor Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, London Bridge, etc.
I find riding on highways at night to be very peaceful...at least when I'm just a passenger!
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